Our 360 Approach starts with the end in mind. It’s a “best practices” integrated approach to success built on a mix of planning, communicating and problem-solving that allows us to to anticipate and address challenges — before they result in delays or disappointments. The streamlined, efficient process provides transparency and predictability, accelerating the end result. And with continual process assessment, we build upon degrees of success.
Together with our partners, we answer, “What, exactly, does a successful result mean? What does it look like?” Once we know that, we follow a proven six-step process to ensure that projects are delivered in a way that benefits our partners, our team and the communities we serve.
Starting with a creative, can-do approach, we align our resources to the project goals and plan. From the very first pre-bid conversations, we look for ways to make the complex simpler or smarter. Are there new technologies, techniques, or templates, for example, that can streamline or accelerate the work? Before we start any project, we assemble our team – including subcontractors – to outline the vision and plan, ensuring that everyone is working together, toward the same result.
Even as we put the project plan in place, we’re anticipating possible disruptions. Weather disruptions. Materials backorders. Contractor schedule shifts. Inspection delays. Holiday slowdowns. While we can’t predict exactly what happens, we can expect that there will be something “off plan” that occurs. And, thinking ahead, we can plan for what to do next.
Along the way, we’re monitoring every step of the plan – milestones, resources, deadlines – and improving. We also over-communicate, so if someone sees that the project may get behind – even if it hasn’t happened yet – we will know.
We listen, communicate with each other and our clients and respond. We partner with our clients. We stand behind our work. We deliver.
We take pride in what we do. We strive for excellence. Working as part of a team that delivers on a vision of success is inspiring. The culmination of our process is a successful result, delivered on time and with the least disruption possible for our client along the way. How do we define 360 Approach achievement? Results. Simplified.
We come full-circle. As one phase or project is complete, we assess what worked, what didn’t, and how we can improve what comes next, incorporating that knowledge and improvements into the next project.